The following are a mere slice of collaborations:
Justice Infrastructure, Prison Bed Capacity Program (PBCP)
The Department of Justice Infrastructure is delivering a number of projects to increase the prison bed capacity to meet current and future forecasted demand in New South Wales, following the NSW Government announcement in 2016. This is a $3.8B project known as the Prison Bed Capacity Program.
John has been engaged as the Project Director to provide leadership management and support to all the medium term projects as part of the Prison Bed Capacity Program. John provides strategic, organisational and management expertise to lead the delivery of the overall portfolio. In this role he successfully leads the program through the initial stakeholder needs analysis, development of Project Briefs, new Benchmark Standards, development of design, authority approvals, procurement, construction and operational readiness.
He had overall management responsibility of the teams for the design of all projects by various design consortiums, procurement and tendering process and development of GC21 contract and management of a number of tier 1 Managing Contractors across all the sites. His role as Director also includes overseeing the consultation and management process with the plethora of stakeholders within corrective services and Chairs the PCG’s on all the projects.
Walsh Bay Arts Precinct for Infrastructure NSW
This project comprised the complete interior and exterior re-design and construction of 4 piers along Walsh Bay, whilst maintaining operations of existing tenants during the early works phase, which included the Sydney Dance Company, the Sydney Theatre Company and the redevelopment of the entire space to offer the Arts Precinct a new, vibrant future and adequately cater for the diverse and growing demands of this significant group of stakeholders.
The scope involved the development of an Overall Master Programme and initial risk assessment over the entire development. This initial appraisal identified the critical need to ensure the conditions of the substructure and piers was thoroughly reviewed, resulting in an extensive scope of sea side work including significant upgrade on the piers and substructure of the wharfs, as well as delicate upgrade and reconstruction of heritage structures to make way for a new Arts Precinct.
John’s role has been instrumental in developing management strategies and assisting Infrastructure NSW and Arts NSW in planning the early procurement and staged construction of the project with key emphasis to the needs of the many stakeholders for this complex and busy precinct.
Rouse Hill Town Centre Redevelopment for GPT
A complex and large scale project requiring a significant level of planning during the early feasibility stages, dealing with a multitude of government authorities, Transport for NSW, North West Rail Link and other major contractors involved on the project. The role as Project Director representing General Property Trust (GPT) was to work with all parties to achieve the optimum outcome for GPT and their operation of Rouse Hill Town Centre. This project involved the coordination and negotiations to monitor the construction of the adjacent North West Rail Link Project and in particular, the construction of the viaduct and Rouse Hill Station adjacent to RHTC. Significant expansion and development work was proposed to happen while the Centre simultaneously remained in operation. This was a very significant project which demanded a high level of expertise and strategic planning skills to coordinate a positive outcome for all parties concerned and manage a smooth overlap of significant, complex and delicate projects with various stakeholders and utilities.
161 Sussex St Redevelopment -
4 Points Hotel.
John was the Project Director responsible for the Project Management of the hotel expansion and construction of a 22 storey tower expanding the hotel to 1000 guest capacity, adding commercial space and significant expansion to the convention centre over the Western Distributor air space. This role involved the management of a complex stakeholder consultation process with various authorities and managing all the issues and risks pertaining to the project in preparing an Environmental Impact Statement submission in response to the Director General Requirements.
Dr Chau Chak Wing
Building for UTS.
John was the Project Director responsible for the Project Management of the UTS Business School building designed by Frank Gehry. This complex and exciting project involved the design and construction of 16,500m2 of state-of-the-art facilities for the Faculty of Business to support the core values and future requirements of the department. The facility now stands as an important architectural statement in the urban UTS Campus and the greater Sydney skyline. The role on this project began as independent expert advisor and quickly grew to a leadership role to turn the project around from complex organisational and management issues, taking it to the Managing Contractor procurement stage.
BER Programme for
The Department of Education.
John was the Regional Project Director (RPD) for Hunter, Central Coast & Northern Sydney, delivering 362 school projects valued at $740 million dollars in 24 months. The role of the RPD was one of leading the Managing Contractor (MC), in this case Lend Lease. This required facilitating the MC in achieving the deadlines within the agreed budgets. John’s role was one of ensuring the MC adhered to the obligations under GC21 and the projects run smoothly with significant management responsibility to meet strict brief requirements, complex and extensive stakeholder management and tight deadlines across a logistically challenging programme.